Comfort Creek

Comfort Creek

Dela­corte, 1996

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Spir­it­ed, sassy Quinn Eller­bee and her fam­i­ly have seen bet­ter days. Mom has gone off to sing in a band, and Pa-Dad­dy is mov­ing them out of their home­town and into the swampy back coun­try. It’s no Com­fort Creek, that’s for sure. Worst of all, Quinn has lost her chance to edit the sixth-grade news­pa­per at her old school. Pa-Dad­dy is hav­ing seri­ous mon­ey trou­bles, but is that any excuse for turn­ing Quin­n’s world upside down?

Rough times lie ahead for the Eller­bees, but they have enough warmth, wit, and ener­gy to face any chal­lenge. And they just may find that there’s a lit­tle bit of Com­fort Creek flow­ing through their swamp water after all.


  • School Library Jour­nal, starred review
  • Kirkus Reviews, starred review
  • Geor­gia Chil­dren’s Book Award nominee


  “The set­ting is authen­ti­cal­ly evoked while the eco­nom­ic debate could be right out of the head­lines of Any­town, USA.” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)

  “A well-writ­ten, evoca­tive, and insight­ful sto­ry with an emo­tion­al­ly sat­is­fy­ing con­clu­sion.” (School Library Jour­nal, starred review)

“An unusu­al set­ting and the real­is­tic han­dling of eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal issues fur­ther strength­en this engag­ing sto­ry.” (Book­list)

“Quinn is a spunky char­ac­ter with a unique­ly hon­est voice that read­ers are sure to like. Her live­ly first per­son nar­ra­tive will enter­tain and move read­ers.” (VOYA)

“Quinn, her father, and grand­moth­er are lov­ing­ly por­trayed in this book about the val­ue of fam­i­lies in times of great stress.” (The Book Report)

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